About me

Czegle László - stand

My own dream, with rough hands, from Hungarian wood, with attention

When did I first sense the scent of wood shavings? Well, I have to think. Perhaps when with the help of my Grandfather – a master cabinet maker in a village in Bihar county – I sawed out and filed my first Winnetou Silver Rifle. When I tied the hemp string to the rifle and threw it over my shoulder – there was not a happier child in the world. The years went by and slowly I grew up and it seemed that my childhood dreams were disappeaing. Then, in the early 1990, i was given my “delightful message of redudancy” along with a modest sum due to cutbacks at my workplace. I was not disheartened. With a definite vision I set about making my dreams come true.

The next day I was already knocking at the door of the school where they taught woodworking – to get my place. With my knowledge of mechanical engineering and my dear Father we made the simplest woodworking machines. We also set up my first small workshop that was perhaps 2×2 m! It was as though my way had been signposted. Since 1994 I have been doing my work to the best of my ability and, I sincerely hope, giving delight to adults and children alike.

I am László Czegle traditional toy maker, woodworking artist and craftsman. My job is also my vocation. I inherited my love of my craft, encouraged by family, from my Grandfather, a respected cabinet maker in a small village. I moved to the tiny Zemplén village of Erdőbénye – to the valley of coopers – from Debrecen in 1998. After a short period in the locksmith industry, in 1993-94 I decided to link my life to WOOD.

Czegle László Erdőbénye  - műhely

I made my woodworking machines (bandsaw, sanding machine, lathe) myself (with the help of my Father). I still use them today. I started my workshop in 1994. 

Erdőbénye Emlékpark

In 1997 I moved to Erdőbénye. In 2004 I participated in the creation of the Erdőbénye memorial park.

About my products

Czegle László fa-Csepel

  • made with traditional artisan techniques and lots of hand working
  • I also use small machines sometimes (lathe, sanding machine) to improve the quality and aesthetics
  • I make a wide range of items: wooden toys, jewellery, Christmas tree decorations, gifts (e.g. fruit bowls, plates, wall clocks, candlesticks, boxes, etc.), ktichen utensils (e.g. nut crackers, honey dippers, teflon spatulas, pálinka offering plates, etc.)
  • as well as traditionally accepted forms I also make original and unique items based on my own ideas
  • since 1998 my products have been continually submitted to the Crafts Jury (Iparművészeti Lektorátus) and to the Folk and Traditional Crafts in the House of Traditions (Hagyományok Háza).
  • I have some 100 – 110 items that have been judged, most of which were awarded “A” or “B” category.

I have seen in my life and in my work, prrof of the saying: Man depends on wood from the cradle to the grave.

My prducts can be found in gift shops, museum exhibitions and wholesalers. i deliver both in Hungary and abroad. You can find me at local events and national handcraft events too.

Czegle László Erdőbénye - Karácsonyi fajáték stand

Since 1996 I have participated in fairs organised by the Association of Folk Craft Societies (Népművészeti Egyesületek Szervezete):

  • National Dance House meetings (Nemzetközi Táncház Találkozók, Budapest-Szolnok-Gyöngyös)
  • Festival of Folk Arts (Mesterségek Ünnepe, Budapest-Castle)
  • Christmas Craft Fair (Karácsonyi Kézműves Vásár, Budapest-Vörösmarty Square)
  • Budapest Spring Festival
  • Nemzeti Vágta (National Gallop)

I am regularly invited to: group exhibitions, national folk and carft fairs:

  • Lánchíd Fesztivál
  • Szeged Hídi Vásár
  • Budapest Búcsú
  • Nyírbátor Szárnyas Sárkány Fesztivál
  • Sümeg Várnapok
  • Diósgyőr Várjátékok
  • Kapolcsi Műv. Napok
  • Hajdúszoboszló, Folk Hétvége
  • Jászberény, Csángó Fesztivál
  • Savária Karnevál Szombathely
  • Kezes-lábos Fesztivál, Etyek
  • Debrecen, Cíviskorzó
  • Szatmár-Beregi Fesztivál
  • Tokaj Hegyalja Piac

Czegle László Erdőbénye - Fajátékok stand

I also have experience of fairs outside Hungary: Lanciano, Rudolfstadt, Ludwisgburg, etc. Since August 2000 I have been a member of Hegyaljai Népművészeti Egyesület (Hegyalja Crafts Association). Since 2011 I have been one of the members of the Magyar Kézműves Szövetség (Hungarian Society of Craftsmen and Women), as well as Tokaji Kistérségi Társulás. In November 2011, after several years of my products being judged by a panel of experts, I was awarded the titel of traditional craftsman as woodworker from the Népi Iparművészeti Tanács (Traditional Folk Design Council).